
The CIRCLE entity (DXF Reference) defined by the DXF attributes and dxf.radius. The CIRCLE entity has OCS coordinates.

Subclass of


DXF type


Factory function


Inherited DXF attributes

Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

class ezdxf.entities.Circle

Center point of circle (2D/3D Point in OCS)


Radius of circle (float)

vertices(angles: Iterable[float]) Iterator[Vec3]

Yields the vertices of the circle of all given angles as Vec3 instances in WCS.


angles – iterable of angles in OCS as degrees, angle goes counter-clockwise around the extrusion vector, and the OCS x-axis defines 0-degree.

flattening(sagitta: float) Iterator[Vec3]

Approximate the circle by vertices in WCS as Vec3 instances. The argument sagitta is the maximum distance from the center of an arc segment to the center of its chord. Yields a closed polygon where the start vertex is equal to the end vertex!

transform(m: Matrix44) Circle

Transform the CIRCLE entity by transformation matrix m inplace. Raises NonUniformScalingError() for non-uniform scaling.

translate(dx: float, dy: float, dz: float) Circle

Optimized CIRCLE/ARC translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

to_ellipse(replace=True) Ellipse

Convert the CIRCLE/ARC entity to an Ellipse entity.

Adds the new ELLIPSE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.


replace – replace (delete) source entity by ELLIPSE entity if True

to_spline(replace=True) Spline

Convert the CIRCLE/ARC entity to a Spline entity.

Adds the new SPLINE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.


replace – replace (delete) source entity by SPLINE entity if True