Block Reference Management

The package ezdxf is not designed as a CAD library and does not automatically monitor all internal changes. This enables faster entity processing at the cost of an unknown state of the DXF document.

In order to carry out precise BLOCK reference management, i.e. to handle dependencies or to delete unused BLOCK definition, the block reference status (counter) must be acquired explicitly by the package user. All block reference management structures must be explicitly recreated each time the document content is changed. This is not very efficient, but it is safe.


And even with all this careful approach, it is always possible to destroy a DXF document by deleting an absolutely necessary block definition.

Always remember that ezdxf is not intended or suitable as a basis for a CAD application!

class ezdxf.blkrefs.BlockDefinitionIndex(doc: Drawing)

Index of all BlockRecord entities representing real BLOCK definitions, excluding all BlockRecord entities defining model space or paper space layouts. External references (XREF) and XREF overlays are included.

property block_records: Iterator[BlockRecord]

Returns an iterator of all BlockRecord entities representing BLOCK definitions.


Rebuild index from scratch.

has_handle(handle: str) bool

Returns True if a BlockRecord for the given block record handle exist.

by_handle(handle: str) BlockRecord | None

Returns the BlockRecord for the given block record handle or None.

has_name(name: str) bool

Returns True if a BlockRecord for the given block name exist.

by_name(name: str) BlockRecord | None

Returns BlockRecord for the given block name or None.

class ezdxf.blkrefs.BlockReferenceCounter(doc: Drawing, index: BlockDefinitionIndex | None = None)

Counts all block references in a DXF document.

Check if a block is referenced by any entity or any resource (DIMSYTLE, MLEADERSTYLE) in a DXF document:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.blkrefs import BlockReferenceCounter

doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
counter = BlockReferenceCounter(doc)
count = counter.by_name("XYZ")
print(f"Block 'XYZ' if referenced {count} times.")
by_handle(handle: str) int

Returns the block reference count for a given BlockRecord handle.

by_name(block_name: str) int

Returns the block reference count for a given block name.