BLOCKS Section
The BLOCKS section contains all BLOCK definitions, beside the normal reusable BLOCKS used by the INSERT entity, all layouts, as there are the modelspace and all paperspace layouts, have at least a corresponding BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section. The name of the modelspace BLOCK is “*Model_Space” (DXF R12: “$MODEL_SPACE”) and the name of the active paperspace BLOCK is “*Paper_Space” (DXF R12: “$PAPER_SPACE”), the entities of these two layouts are stored in the ENTITIES section, the inactive paperspace layouts are named by the scheme “*Paper_Spacennnn”, and the content of the inactive paperspace layouts are stored in their BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section.
The content entities of blocks are stored between the BLOCK and the ENDBLK entity.
BLOCKS section structure:
0 <<< start of a SECTION
2 <<< start of BLOCKS section
0 <<< start of 1. BLOCK definition
... <<< Block content
0 <<< end of 1. Block definition
0 <<< start of 2. BLOCK definition
... <<< Block content
0 <<< end of 2. Block definition
0 <<< end of BLOCKS section