The CLASSES section contains CLASS definitions which are only important for Autodesk products, some DXF entities require a class definition or AutoCAD will not open the DXF file.
The CLASSES sections was introduced with DXF AC1015 (AutoCAD Release R13).
The CLASSES section in DXF files holds the information for application-defined classes whose instances appear in the BLOCKS, ENTITIES, and OBJECTS sections of the database. It is assumed that a class definition is permanently fixed in the class hierarchy. All fields are required.
Update 2019-03-03:
Class names are not unique, Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 uses the same name, but with different CPP class names in the CLASS section, so storing classes in a dictionary by name as key caused loss of class entries in ezdxf, using a tuple of (name, cpp_class_name) as storage key solved the problem.
CLASS Entities
See also
DXF Reference: Group Codes for the CLASS entity
CLASS entities have no handle and therefore ezdxf does not store the CLASS entity in the drawing entities database!
2 <<< begin CLASSES section
0 <<< first CLASS entity
1 <<< class DXF entity name; THIS ENTRY IS MAYBE NOT UNIQUE
2 <<< C++ class name; always unique
3 <<< application name
ObjectDBX Classes
90 <<< proxy capabilities flags
91 <<< instance counter for custom class, since DXF version AC1018 (R2004)
0 <<< no problem if the counter is wrong, AutoCAD doesn't care about
280 <<< was-a-proxy flag: 1= class was not loaded when this DXF file was created
0 <<< 0= otherwise
281 <<< is-an-entity flag: 1= instances reside in the BLOCKS or ENTITIES section
0 <<< 0= instances may appear only in the OBJECTS section
0 <<< next CLASS entity
0 <<< end of CLASSES section